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In the global market, the changes evidenced lead to the assumption of new responsibilities on the part of the Organizations, as well as to constant strategic changes resulting from changes in the markets in which they operate. These increasingly require a global performance that promotes efficiency, effectiveness, competitiveness, economic growth and transparency.

The changes are comprehensive and transversal to the management of the Organizations, to their social function, to the Organizational culture, to their values and practices at the most varied levels. Organizations redefine their strategies and their roles and commit themselves more and more to sustainable development by investing in new perspectives for economic and social development. In the search for space in the globalized market, in the enhancement of its development, intelligent organizations, tireless in redefining their values as a way of adapting them to the needs of current markets, develop a new behavior aimed at their establishment in the competitive world: Corporate Social Responsibility, this is the new way of "how to" adopted by modern companies.

This trend stems from the profound changes that show that economic growth will only be possible if it is based on solid foundations, and for this to happen competitive business strategies must be developed using socially correct, environmentally sustainable and economically viable solutions. 

Thus, it is up to the top managers, in light of their functions as decision makers and strategists of the Organizations, to incorporate in their strategies a policy of Corporate Social Responsibility. 

Although the leveraging of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies is promoted by the top managers of Organizations, in the Organizational context they also involve the departments of human resources, communication, marketing, health and safety at work, quality, among others.

Top Management: Skills

Regardless of the size of the Organizations, the main role of the manager is to ensure the development and economic growth of the Organization. Its competences are:

  • Conceptual

Ability to see the Organization as a whole thinking about it strategically;

  • Human

Working with people individually and in groups;

  • Technical

Understanding of the methods and techniques of the Organization's actions.

Your role is: 

  • Interpersonal

Lead and motivate workers; Relate with Stakeholders.

  • Newsletter

To convey strategic information to the Organization; Spokesperson of the Organization.

  • Decision

Undertake and lead change processes; Manage crises; Allocate resources; Attract investments.

To the classic skills are added those related to new trends in the management of organizations:

  • Dispersed Leadership

  • Empowering

  • Collaborative Relationships o Learning Organization.