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Piensa en la campaña amarilla

The SGS (Society of General Superintendent) will participate in a specialized seminar on Social Responsibility, on March 3, in Porto, organized by APEE, Portuguese Association of Ethics.)

Responsabilidad Social en RTP2

The "Nós" could not remain indifferent to this issue and is dedicated to her that the next program. In studio, Claudia Semedo receives Conceição Zagalo, president of GRACE, which was the first Portuguese non-profit association dedicated to problematic of Corporate Social Responsibility.)

Una mano amiga para la naturaleza

The Portucel - Soporcel, is developing the Project Giving Hand to Nature - as part of the celebrations of World Forest Day, the Group held educational programs in Espirra Estate which included the participation of more than 300 children of 1 cycle schools from the surrounding regions to their plants. This project aims to raise awareness of the youngest to the need for forest protection and environmental protection.)

CEN y temas sociales

On the afternoon of April 18, CEN (National Center for Aesthetics) marked its presence in the Parish Center of St. Paul, in Lisbon, where they held hands and hair removal treatment sessions of eyebrows to the elderly of the Parish Center. CEN concerned with social issues, contributing in a positive way and making a difference.)

Sello Europeo de Responsabilidad Social

The Gebalis, EEM was on 27 October 2009, one of three Portuguese companies awarded the European Label for Social Responsibility (CARRIS and REN were also included), called CEEP / CRS LABEL, the project DISCERNO III, valid for two years after the award date. The DISCERNO and and a project CEEP - European Centre for Public Services Company and / or general interest.)

voluntariado corporativo

In the context of social responsibility are several companies that are implementing corporate volunteer programs. The two most recently implemented these programs are TAP with the Volunteers with Wings and GALP with GALP Volunteers.)