CSRTarget ecosystem
The CSRTarget solution is a hybrid solution, running a part in the cloud, part in-house, perfectly integrated with each other.
Features are:
In the cloud, from www.csrtarget.com Portal, supported on Microsoft Azure:
- News on the topic of Social Responsibility
- Publication of results achieved by organizations registered in this Portal
- Documentation of the standard and its adoption
- Collaborative documentation and support on the issue of RS (Wikis and best-practices)
- Forums
In-house, from a 'traditional' application running under Windows 7 or 8, supported by a SQL Server on the backend:
- Situation "As-Is" of the Organization
- Definition of the Plan
- Questionnaires (internal, suppliers, etc.)
- Objectives
- Stakeholders and Serialization
- RS / Share Questions
- KPIs, control and monitoring
- Communication (through publications in website, publications in Sharepoint, email, etc.)

Integration / API
The CSRTarget integration with other software packages such as ERPs was not neglected.
Using a set of web-services, it is possible to import or export, automatically,
information essential information for a run "up-to-date" to CSRTarget.

The types of logs integrated the API are:
- Organization
- Users
- Stakeholders and ranking
- Questionnaires
- Issues / Questions and their KPIs (control points)